Friday, April 1, 2011

Childhood Friendships Rekindled

I love books. I especially love children's books.  When I see a title I know- I feel like I've just spotted an old friend that I haven't seen in awhile. Out of courtesy, I pick it up and thumb the pages, soak in the pictures and read the stanzas. Out of courtesy-to an old friend because, you see, it would be rude to pass it by without an acknowlegement.
I was at a flea market a few weekends ago and came across two childhood favorites. Two old friends that we're in a dire need of a new home. ;)  The first acquaintance was Shel Silverstein's book of odd and quarky poetry "Where The Sidewalk Ends". I quickly flipped to the middle of the book and read the poem about the girl that didn't take the garbage out....but I remembered -in the back of my mind- there was another poem.....something that I could hear being recited within my mind...but couldn't form the words in my was a poem I loved- but couldn't remember. Does that make sense? I knew that if I kept flipping through the book that I would find it. And I did. I smiled big. I remembered.....and I felt like I was in fourth grade again. Yep,  I still remember what fourth grade felt like. ;)

Doesn't it just make you want to turn around a hug someone? Go ahead and do it!! I'll still be here...

So, standing there at the flea market I spotted several other "friends" The Giving Tree, A Bargain For Francis, Ms. Suzy, Ramona and Beezus, Peter Hatcher (Fudge's older brother and proud owner of a dog named Turtle!), Hooper Humperdink (who I still feel sorry for!), and I couldn't pass up a chance to say "hello" to Sam Gribley of "My Side of the Mountain". So many friends-so many memories of hiding in my bed-between the covers-reading into the night! Then. Standing in the aisle little heart pitter-pattered. Like it always does when I see a book illustrated by Eloise Wilkin.

I always felt like I knew the little girl in the book....her adventures, her clothing, her questions and stories were always so familiar and real....the pictures that Eloise Wilkin drew were real life.

My heart melts at these drawings-and I'm positive I love them more now than as a child! I always felt the drawings told a much better story than the words in the books. I could  can look at the pictures over and over.

I was in an antiques market, a fancy one too... but it was these books that I clung to as if they were treasures. They have sentimental value. I couldn't wait to bring my old friends home and introduce them to my Jake. We laid in bed that night (under the covers with a flashlight!) reading Shel Silverstein's poems until my eyes hurt and I simply couldn't read any more! I can't tell you how much I loved being cuddled under the covers in our half lit "tent" reading goofy nonsense, crazy lines of silliness that roll of your tongue with melodic  rhyming beats. 
Do you have a favorite childhood storybook? Something that instantly transports you back to a time in your life when you were bathed and in bed before the sun set? A time when your mother still kissed you goodnight... and you still believed in the toothfairy? :) Please share your treasures and memory with me!

Shine All Your Light....(especially at night, under the covers, reading a book with your kiddos!)



  1. I loved loved loved Where The Sidewalk Ends and my most favorite from the book was "Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take The Garbage Out". LOL

    When my sister was little her favorite books were the "Sweet Pickles" collection....each story was about a different animal, each starting with a different letter of the alphabet. A couple years ago she was telling her kids about the books and that gave me the idea to look for them online. There are like 40 books in the collection and I couldn't find them all, but I found most of them (used on Amazon and Ebay) and gave them to her for her birthday. She was soooo excited and started reading them to the kids immediately. Now they are old enough to read them too. It was a fun memory of hers that she gets to share with her kids now.

  2. Sylvia Cynthia Syliva Stout was the first one I remembered and turned to! I won a poetry reciting contest with that poem! I can't believe I memorized all that "garbage" list!!
    We had the Sweet Pickles Collection too! Steph LOVED those...did you guys have the Mr. Men and Little Miss Collections? I still have many, many books from my childhood. :)

  3. Cass,
    I love this post! I just pulled out two of my favorite childhood books to read to my kids about a month ago. One is about seasons with the most beautiful illustrations and I remember reading it over and over & studying those pictures. They brought all kinds of feelings and emotions to me then and when I look at them now, I feel the same feelings. My kids LOVE this book & they were looking at it together, reading it, touching the pages like I used to do & savoring each moment of it. My other favorite was a beautifully illustrated book of "The Lord's Prayer" and it is the book my Mom gave me to help me memorize that scripture passage. It's still in great shape, although well loved.:) Thanks for the walk down memory lane. I love "Where the Sidewalk Ends" and brought it home for my kids from the library. They loved it too.:)
