Sunday, November 6, 2011

Family Fun Day

We attended Mt. Calvary's family fun day on Saturday. The kids and I had a great time. Here are some pictures from our afternoon....

A church family hosted the you can see the giant pot of chicken stew he spent all morning cooking over an open fire.

The Fun Day was at the homestead of a family that has farmed the land for at least two generations. There's a lot of history and vintage finds all over the property.

Jakey and I getting ready for the hayride

Instead of Wii's and television the children played on haybales almost ALL day....good wholesome fun!

You can't take the country out of the country! :)

Baling wire hanging from the back of one of the outbuildings.

One of the many beautiful views while we were on the hayride....

1 comment:

  1. Oh, now that's my kind of way to spend the day. How FUN! I love all the pictures, especially the "You can't take the country out of the country." Beautiful! This is how I grew up, playing on hay bales and farm country, wholesome fun. Love it! Thanks for sharing.:)
