Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Zeroing It Out

I attended a photography lesson about light modification a few weeks back. The instructor, Chris Goette said the most important thing to do the night before a photo shoot is to zero out your camera settings. Wipe out the settings so that you're fresh to run the next morning- under new conditions. Yesterday was a rough day, and this morning as I laid in bed thinking about all that transpired I applied Chris' lecture to my heart. Today is a new day, the lighting, focal point and subject matter is different. Yesterday's film has been developed and the image is forever imprinted in history....but today I need a fresh start. I asked the Lord to help me reset my heart and my mind. To zero out all the "default human settings." Reformat my memory card- so to speak. :)
The past weekend was bee-yoo-ti-ful! I was finally able to go take pictures of Jamestown for a photo project. The Jamestown Business Association asked for some pictures of local sites and landscapes...and Sunday afternoon was the day of choice for such a project!

The lake at Jamestown City Park

This small museum is located at the park...behind the dogwood tree is a small cemetary dating back to the Revelutionary War era.

The Dogwoods are in bloom

The entrance into Jamestown at the corner of Guilford and Guilford College Road


  1. Awesome pictures. You are amazing.

    And the analogy that you shared...even more beautiful.

  2. Great metaphor, and the photos are stunning as always.

  3. Such a simple way to put it. Ain't life grand! Get up to a new start every day. I wish I'd have read this early this morn... just what I needed. Thanks. Oh, the pics are beautiful too.

  4. Ahhh, Cas....I LOVE the way you think. What a beautiful analogy. Thank you for sharing that & for sharing these gorgeous pictures. You are very talented with an excellent eye. Thank you for showing us life through your camera lense & through God's Devine inspirations. (((hugs)))

  5. Oh Cass, this is so, so true and a wonderful reminder for all of us. Just this morning I was artfully, almost sublimnally putting myself in a totally unecessary guilt trip of sorts. I'm an HSP, (highly sensitive person) God made me this way. But I even think about thinking if you know what I mean... ; ) It's a gift but also a detriment if let loose. But to make a long story short I had to ask myself why I was doing that to myself, it was quite silly really, today is a new day! : )

    Praise the Lord for His goodness! Great shots too Cass!

    Love, Amelia
